
Nova VRChat Avatar

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Nova VRChat Avatar

62 ratings


Bow system: Grab an arrow out of the quiver and shoot it with the bow

Knife system: grab the knife and open your hand to flip it around

Wrinkle maps on the bodysuit. When you bend, wrinkles appear

Double tap your left ear to drop a menu in the world. You can also toggle it from the radial menu

Menu can be dropped in the world for toggles. Toggle consent in radial menu to allow friends to interact with it.

Toggle to swap faces

Squish bones set up to activate before physics on breasts and butt

Dissolve toggles

Over 50 toggles

Full body marker system

Saturation, Hue and emission toggles / sliders on hair, clothing, eyes, accessories

Audio Link toggle

SFW and green performance optimized versions included

Toggle between ponytail and short hair

Contacts for headpat and nose boop

DPS set up for 12 orifaces

Includes good performance (Green optimized) version for clubs, events, or just for performance.

Locomotion toggle to switch between walking and sliding in full body.



Everything except the hair and secondary face was made by me.

All assets were textured by Buneskapp#0143 https://evorain.gumroad.com/

Poses for sitting and laying - https://kisustar.gumroad.com/

Secondary head - Cicieaaa#7777 cicieaaavr.gumroad.com/l/cicis3

Hair - Wetcat#6969 and м.#7777 https://miruushop.com/ https://wetcat.gumroad.com/

Marker system - VRLabs https://vrlabs.dev/

DPS - https://raliv.gumroad.com/

DPS Toolbox - fluff#5265 https://fluffs.gumroad.com/

Locomotion fix - WetCat#6969, Alc#0002, Gireison#0001, Dj Lukis.LT#4639, INYO#9404 https://wetcat.gumroad.com/

Huge thank you to Ky#4674 for the menu system, wrinkle system and knife unity work and Sezuha#5077 for help with the bow system


You can test a sfw version of the body base in my world for free https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_709857a2-3c94-4f75-9fde-ac2caba306c3


You are not allowed to resell this model or use any assets from it. Everything on this model was made for this model only

Do not claim you made this.

Do not make this model public

No sharing the package with anyone including friends.

All sales are final but if you need help with anything Id love to help, just post in the help channel at https://discord.gg/YVugDp8jXa

Not quest compatible, sorry.

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